A Hodgepodge Movie Trying to Figure Out What It Wants to Be
8 September 2006
LAND OF THE BLIND is a strange horse of a film. It is so full of gimmicks, silly scenes, awkward dialogue, and mixed metaphors that it sinks under its own intended farcical weight.

Robert Edwards wrote and directed this take off on totalitarian governments and the crises that arise with the corruption of power, sprayed it globally and historically so that it can include everyone in its aim, and shot it in a Felliniesque fashion that just falls short of significance. Abetted with a strong cast of actors (Ralph Fiennes, Donald Sutherland, Tom Hollander, Lara Flynn Boyle, etc) one would think this overproduced piece would have made it. But alas is sinks into somnolence despite its oh-so-very-obvious attempt to be a significant statement about politics today. The biggest task required for this movie is trying to stay awake to the final frame.
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