Caution: This movie is very funny...
4 September 2006
This has got to be one of the most buzz worthy movies I have seen in a while. I had not seen any press about it, but the DVD release generated a TONNE of word of mouth advertising. "Have YOU seen it? Have you SEEN it? Have you seen IT?"

I for one am glad that I did. Firstly, we have to realize that this film is about one big inside joke. It's like magicians who do tricks for each other. The real joy here is watching the various comics put different spins on the subject matter. It's also about how repressed we are as a society. It's interesting, isn't it? I can't even post a swear word on this board discussing the most foul mouthed movie in history. Like, what the *beep* is that about?

This movie is about removing any so-called decent limits and seeing what comes out of one's mouth when there is no attempt to hold anything sacred. It's an excercise in existentialism. As one comedian so brilliantly put it, "This joke holds a mirror up to itself,". Too bad so many of the folks on this board missed the point.
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