Review of Feed

Feed (2005)
Cinematic Goatse
8 August 2006
The whole film, on a story telling, technical and intellectual level is truly woeful. The over use of filters, the totally inconsistent characters, dreadful acting, a third act that takes up 2/3rds of the films running time, plot holes, shocking (shocking as in shockingly fuc**ng awful) plot developments that come out of nowhere and make no sense and overused pseudo-intellectual monologues from the killer almost 5 of them in the dragged out 3rd act.

The worst thing about the film is the grotty, horribleness that pervades though it and I don't mean that in a good way. The film left me feeling the same way I did after looking at grainy footage of someone being decapitated; Horrid, and depressed about the state of humanity.

Don't let your curiosity get the better of you. AVOID.
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