A slight miss in the hand off.
4 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The original crew of the Enterprise is gone. Their time of adventure has ended and they are now passing the torch to a new crew. Well at least the cinema torch.

Generations is supposed to be the great connection between Star Trek and Star Trek TNG. We get a chance to see what Kirks fate in life was and his eventual return to help the new Capitan of the Enterprise. An amazing concept that creates a fun yet really flawed film.

First lets look at the good. FX are great and it is amazing to see the Enterprise D on the big screen. I was impressed with many visuals in this film especially a certain scene of crashing I won't mention so others won't get ruined by it.

That acting was very good as well. It is obvious that the crew of TNG know and love each other and just enjoy working together. Shatner and Stewart also have some great interactions that I found fun and enjoyable to watch.

To bad there are bads to this however.

Probably the greatest flaw to this film is that the plot feels only half thought out. We get introductions to so many extra things that are supposed to add depth (I assume) but never do. Data gets an emotion chip, Picards brother and nephew die, Kirk in the ribbon, and many more. This film seemed to have many good concepts running together causing the writers to make it hard to focus on one thing. To often I found myself wanting to get into situations deeper only to be left hanging.

My biggest gripe with this film is another plot issue and also something of a spoiler, so skip the next paragraph if you don't want it ruined...

Picard ends up in the ribbon with Kirk. By now we know that you basically live out your own personal heaven in the ribbon. It is supposed to be so perfect that it has driven one guy made and caused Guinan a lot of emotional stress. You figure this would be a very hard process of getting Picard and Kirk to leave. Yeah all of ten minutes to leave. Not only that but Guinan appears out of no where to push Picard out. How the heck is she here? We get a very short sad reason and picard gets up thinks about it and leaves his own personal heaven with little issue. Kirk takes more of the ten minutes to get out but hey, he is a lot older by now right.

I am done with my spoilers now. Again the issue comes to not enough depth in important areas in the plot.

Oh, as Trek fan I have one final problem. They destroyed my favorite Enterprise ina very lack luster way.

Enough nerd crying.

This film is alright, not a horrid mess. However this film is also lacking in important areas. THankfully it was followed up with First Contact.
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