Next Door (2005)
good effort, meager script
1 July 2006
In the opening scene, the protagonist's girlfriend comes into the apartment to move out on him, citing grievances that don't get explained, while her new partner waits outside. After the credits, said protagonist is asked over by a fetching neighbour to perform a seemingly pointless chore. The neighbour shares her apartment with an equally attractive roommate, both of whom appear to come on to our hero, while puzzling him some comments out of left field and contradictory stories. It is a fairly intriguing beginning which soon devolves into a decidedly abnormal relation when the man is coaxed back to their apartment and, abandoning his initial reserve, becomes a full participant in the neighbours' nuttiness. Unsubtle hints soon alert us that things are not to be taken at face value, at which point the spiraling weirdness ceases to generate much interest, at least for this viewer. I, for one, found the ending both excessive and boring. I daresay it is not a premise that would attract many viewers if presented up front. However, I must give credit to the director and lead actor for making the film as interesting as possible given its fluffy, inchoate script. I can easily see myself walking out on this story (which some people at the screening I attended did--and not only during the violent sex scene) had it been brought to the screen by less adroit forces.
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