The Beast of Boredom
28 June 2006
I consider myself a fairly open minded film fan, and don't tend to shy away from any particular genres or subgenres; but even though this is only the second Nazisploitation film that I've seen, I've got to say that it's a really useless sub-genre. The reason I saw this film is down to the fact that it's a proud member of the DPP's Video Nasty list, and just as was the case with SS Experiment Camp; I really shouldn't have bothered (and just to show how bad the aforementioned film is; it's not as good as this one!). It took five minutes for me to start clock watching, and I didn't stop until the boredom finally ended. The Beast in the Heat blends several uninteresting plot lines with a load of repetitive scenes of sex and shooting, and it's always clear that if there is a point to this film; it is simply to satisfy fans of extremely graphic and absurd cinema. The dual plot follows a female SS Warden who pumps a midget full of aphrodisiacs, and then performs 'experiments' with him and a load of naked women. The other plot follows some sort of rebellion.

The first thing that caught my eye about this film was, of course, Macha Magall. Even though she's in and amongst an infestation of disgusting and truly vile sleaze, she still manages to be supremely sexy, as she teases her officers and gets it on with several of her 'test subjects'. As you might expect, the stocking clad experimenter is the only positive element of this film; as the rest is incredibly dull. When I heard about the sex-craving dwarf, I was expecting some kind of cinematic monster; but the film even disappoints on that front, as all we have is a rather hairy man. To his credit, at least if the Nazi's decided to sack him - he wouldn't look out of place collecting bins or selling fish at market. The other plot which handles some sort of rebellion is even less interesting than the sex between the dwarf (more of a short man) and the buxom women. Even worse, Luigi Batzella didn't even have the decency to cast attractive women as sacrifices to the 'beast'! Overall, this film is crap whichever way you look at it. Nazisploitation fans (you know who you are) may find something here; but for the rest of us, this is worth missing out on.
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