Black Beauty (1994)
Saddest Movie Ever
23 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Wow I cried at least 7 times during this movie! It's so sad!! The end is heartfelt though with Ginger and Marylegs. I LOVE THIS MOVIE!!!! Many people might not like it. I don't know why. Maybe because it's true in many ways. There really are horrible people out there like in the movie. But even though this movie was sad, it was great. They should make a more modern version. I recommend this movie to everyone. You have to see it. But if you're weak and bad with sad movies then it's your decision, because I cried my heart out. This is certainly the saddest movie I have ever seen. Ifr you're not a big animal person, you might not think this movie is sad at all, or maybe you might. I don't know. But if you ARE a big animal person, then I think you will love this movie.
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