Review of Hex

Hex (2004–2005)
Great potential
17 June 2006
I came because I heard it was a cross between Buffy the Vampire Slayer (The Seried) and Charmed, I stayed because it was something so very different.

Don't get me wrong, I'm an avid BtVS fan, and a former fan of Charmed, and I was aching for some new dark fantasy / supernatural material. I've only seen the two episodes, but you can be sure I'll watch more.

Where BtVS and Charmed may have dealt with some dark issues, they were in general light shows. Hex is a dark with light moments. From the very beginning, this show made it self stand out from the current supernatural shows simply because it's so dark. This is not a funny show, but a dramatic one that draws you in to watch the journey that Cassie must face. Though, I must say that as I saw the end of the episode, I declared a pure Joss Whedon moment - even if he had nothing to do directly with this show.

I highly recommend this show, if you like British dramas and dark fantasies.
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