Dark Water (2002)
5 June 2006
Yet another in a long line of J-Horror movies featuring a creepy little girl with really long black hair that covers her eyes. If you liked Ringu and Ju-On then you'll probably like this. Comparing this to those other films, I still thing that Ringu has the best story but this was a close second. Dark Water (Honogurai mizu no soko kara)was the definitely the creepiest in my opinion , hence the tittle of my review. Compared with American horror movies this is completely devoid of any gore but it's scarier then the typical American splatter fest. This movie uses some deliberate pacing but you're never lulled into a false since of security due to the often tilted and askew camera angles that keep you feeling uneasy. The tension remains high even in the quietest on screen moments from beginning to end in this film. Although I can't say that I completely understood what happened at the end from a combination of the language barrier and some very convoluted plot twists....but rest assure it was cool. I highly recommend this to any newcomers to J-Horror that want to see what else is out there beyond Ringu
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