Superior Eurotrash from Ruggero Deodato!
25 May 2006
Ruggero Deodato is, of course, best known for the exploitation classic Cannibal Holocaust; but he's directed a few lesser known films that aren't too far behind in quality - and this stylish, sexy romp is certainly one of them! It's true that I like good sleaze more than most people, but I can honestly say that if you've been intrigued by Giallo's such as Silvio Amandio's Amuck or Luciano Ercoli's Forbidden Photos of a Lady Above Suspicion, The Washing Machine is sure to delight! The focus with this film is purely on the sex scenes, and Deodato has managed to create a thriller that is surprisingly erotic, as he makes great use of his actress' assets! The film focuses on three sisters (intriguing enough on its own), who have to call the police when the body of a pimp named Yuri is found in their washing machine. However, when the inspector arrives, the body disappears - but this is a copper that doesn't let a case go easily, and after taking the decision to devote all of his free time to both the case and the three sisters in question, he soon finds himself a part of their sex games.

Given the plot and the fact that it stars three very sexy women, you would be forgiven for thinking that The Washing Machine is merely soft-core porn. Director Ruggero Deodato apparently said that he made this film purely for the money, but I find that hard to believe as great care and attention seems to have been put into the film. The lighting in many scenes is fantastic, while the score and lush Gothic locations enhance the surreal plot. Even the acting isn't bad, which is a huge rarity for Italian cinema. The three ladies make up the backbone of the film, and as you might expect; every scene that features them is a treat. The girls' look sexy whether they're dressed or not, and I'm pleased to say that all three of them spend more time in the latter state! The story plays second fiddle to the sex scenes, but it's admirable that a movie like this has a story at all. Deodato ensures that the movie flows well, and that there's always something of interest when none of the characters are having sex. Overall, The Washing Machine is extremely sleazy and surprisingly erotic; and while I may be praising it too highly, I've got to say that I really enjoyed the film and recommend it to anyone that likes their sleazy horror films!
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