Review of Teachers.

Teachers. (2006)
Teachers: End of Term Mark
3 May 2006
Having seen the original British version of teachers i was expecting simple re-write to give it an American touch. However, I was, at first, appalled to see that that teachers had become a poorly written canned laughter show in comparison to its British forefather ...... then i watched the second episode and then then the third and i was hooked. It may not be the show i was expecting it to be but it has become its own show. The one-liners may not be perfect but they made me laugh, the continuity provided a good background to all of the jokes and frankly it was often immature and thats what we love the best about comedy shows. hopefully we will see a second season of teachers as there is much more that can be done.

Overall Grade: B- A good Start but some serious improvement needed next term
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