Review of Noise

Noise (2004)
Oddball film
21 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
5 stars out of 10

Parts of this didn't quite make sense to me - I'm not sure whether that's my fault or the film's fault.

Trish Goff, who looks borderline anorexic to me, plays Joyce Chandler a tense young woman, who may be wound a little too tight, but otherwise seems to be essentially normal, moves into an apartment following her divorce.

She soon has a job with Gotham Publishing as a copy writer. Joyce has a large group of female friends as well, and things should be lining out for her, but she has a problem.

The problem is her upstairs neighbor, Charlotte Bancroft (Ally Sheedy), who tends to be noisy late at night and very early in the morning.

At first it appears things may work out - as Charlotte is ever so apologetic and understanding. Charlotte's understanding of Joyce's problem doesn't last long, however.

When Joyce goes up to Charlotte's apartment to discuss matters, Charlotte seems to be oblivious to the fact there is still a problem and just thinks she and Joyce should be pals.

Joyce decides to run a raunchy personal ad under Charlotte's name and phone number. Soon Charlotte has men galore in her apartment and is noisier than ever with the sexual escapades.

I was never able to figure out just how Joyce thought this was going to solve her problem all that much. If it had been me, I'd have been rather nervous at all these strange men coming in and out of the apartment building.

However, perhaps Joyce was more psychic than myself.

Meanwhile Joyce has taken to drinking, which really isn't helping things, and her job is going badly for her.

There is a scene between Charlotte and Joyce where Charlotte is extremely sadistic and domineering and Joyce just meekly allows it. I didn't understand that at all.

There is a conclusion to Charlotte and Joyce's problem, but the ending is somewhat non-conclusive otherwise.

There are other murky things that came up in regards to Joyce's past, and she becomes involved with a couple of men, but none of it ever really played any particular part in the main plot, and remained unexplained.
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