Doesn't compare to Snake in the Eagle's Shadow or Drunken Master
21 April 2006
When I heard there was going to be another Police Story, I jumped on the computer and started searching Amazon and Ebay for the DVD. Finally I came across a website named http://edaymovie.com (very good place to buy movies) and ordered it without hearing any type of feedback on it. About a week after ordering, it arrived and I popped it in my DVD player with eager anticipation. It was a great film and one of Jackie Chan's best, but I was a little disappointed that it was not relevant to the Police Story series that began in the '80s. The action is incredible and Jackie's acting ability has improved. However, there are one too many HK popstars in this film (two petty thieves, who are a hip-hop group in Hong Kong). Nicholas Tse and Daniel Wu showed off their acting chops in this film (Wu won BSA at the Taiwan Golden Horse Awards a year or so ago.) Plot is simplistic, but the underlying threads were not connected well; Did Chan realize that Frank was the son of the thief who was hit by a truck? Did all of Joe's friends die (one that was shot in the leg and the other in the legos store?) And if Joe's father is the superintendent of the police, shouldn't he have had his men to hold their fire? Chan did shout that Joe's weapon was unloaded. Overall, with its flaws, this is one of Jackie Chan's best movies made in the 21st century.
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