Review of The Kid

The Kid (2000)
Better Than I Thought
5 April 2006
I really wonder about Bruce Willis. He's such a tough guy, but he seems to have a soft underbelly. Because of these two qualities, he is nicely cast in this film. It's a movie about second chances. It's a movie about reconciliation. It's about facing the things we were always afraid of. Willis's character is successful in a financial way. He doesn't seem very happy, however. For whatever reason, he is suddenly thrown together with his younger self, an obnoxious but charming kid who is able to see his own weaknesses, and blames his adult self. It sounds terribly complex but we get the hang of it pretty quickly. There are a series of pivotal moments in life when things could go different ways and that's what the focus is. If we were given another opportunity, what would we do? Everyone must think this at some point. The byplay between Willis and his young companion goes from confrontational and whiny to precious and kind. It works pretty well. It was much better than I thought it would be. One downer was the obvious commercialism and product placement. It is rampant in this movie.
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