Walkout (2006 TV Movie)
Powerful movie
3 April 2006
I was very moved by this film, it was well done, the music fit, the cast was perfect, the story was quite easy to follow, and my kids ages, 11, 7, and 6 have watched this movie at least 7 or 8 times. Each time they watch it we have a discussion. They understand that what happened in 1968 was a life changing experience for Chicanos everywhere. They stood up for their rights in a positive, honest, peaceful way, and for legitimate reasons. They understand with the walkouts that are happening in today's society are more for getting out of school and not for rights at school. My 11-year-old daughter asks why the kids at school are using this movie and saying that it has inspired them to walkout when the issues are completely different. And when kids are asked why they are walking out they really don't know. Back in 1968 all the kids new why they were walking out and were educating themselves. My 6 and 7 year old both have said that they hope that the walkouts happening now don't get kids hurt like in the movie.

I appreciate HBO showing Chicano history and hope that there are more movies to inspire and educate myself and my children of our chicano heritage. Thank you Moctezuma Esparza, and all the people involved in this movie. THANK YOU and my God Bless you.
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