Good Cast Helps Make It Work
13 March 2006
A good cast helps make this crime/western feature work, and makes up for story that is usually predictable and is sometimes too implausible not to become noticeable. Mickey Rooney and Robert Preston are particularly well cast in their roles, and a relatively young Robert Stack also gets the most out of his character.

Rooney plays a young New Yorker who heads to the southwest to find his brother, only to find out that his former idol has changed significantly. Rooney believably plays up the part of the tough little guy who won't be pushed around just because he's smaller than everyone else, and it adds something to many scenes. Preston fits well into the role of the straight-shooting ranger, and Stack is effective as the brother.

Most of the rest of it is just adequate, although the three leads do a good job of carrying the action. José Torvay helps out in a couple of scenes, and while the sets are quite plain, they do at least set a generally believable atmosphere.
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