Enchanted youthful quest for the Bridge of Sighs
4 March 2006
What an under-rated and, alas, not very well known movie! This innocent and magical romance tells the tale of two brainy, wise for their years, and altogether charming adolescents who meet in Paris...a pretty American girl named Lauren, who is temporarily in the City of Light with her (less than ideal) family, and a street savvy young French citizen called Daniel. The pair encounter Julius, a rather mysterious and cunning older gentleman, who turns out to be a pickpocket. He takes a sympathetic interest in the young couple's budding romance and their unfortunate plight of impending separation. Alas, Lauren's family circumstances are forcing her to move away from Paris, and thus away from Daniel, back to the States.

Assorted amusing and entertaining adventures await this unlikely trio as they must journey through France and Italy, endeavoring to reach Venice, with most of the adults they encounter attempting to thwart their mission. The reason for this quest? Legend has it, at least according to Julius, that a couple's love will be sealed and last forever if they kiss in a gondola under the Bridge of Sighs at sunset..and with the bells of the Campanile tolling, no less.

The young actors in the lead roles are both amazing. Diane Lane plays the lovely, intelligent young Lauren, and Thelonious Bernard is absolutely endearing and charming as Daniel. Apart from these appealing adolescents, the film belongs to Lawrence Olivier, who brilliantly captures the role of the crafty old pickpocket and romantic story teller, Julius. Sally Kellerman portrays Lauren's totally superficial, starstruck mother, Kay, and Arthur Hill her kind stepfather, Richard.

A Little Romance is an altogether beautiful, refreshing, and highly entertaining movie. It's a sparkling tale of youth and first love that no one should miss.
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