Claire's Knee (1970)
technically competent but too creepy to be enjoyed
3 March 2006
Technically, this was a very good movie. The cinematography was beautiful and breathtaking--the setting really enhanced the film. Plus the acting was very good--no complaints there.

However, the story itself felt very creepy and disturbed me. A 35 year-old guy meets an old lady friend and becomes close to the family that this lady friend rents a room from. The mother seems about 35 or so and she has a daughter that appears about 13 or so--maybe 14. There is also a step-daughter who looks about 16. Through much of the film, this man seems awfully familiar with the girls--going so far as kissing the youngest on the lips passionately and rubbing his dirty paws all over the knees of the older girl, Claire. The movie's title, by the way, was chosen because this guy turns out to be a "knee freak" and he is turned on by this teen's knees. This is all orchestrated by the old lady friend, who to me seems like she's encouraging this. THIS IS WAY TOO CREEPY for me and I am amazed that NONE of the comments so far mention the inappropriateness of this weirdo. Yuck.
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