The sorrows of young Werther,er,Werner
27 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Werner Herzog is the Man. I love him. I love or at least like this movie. How can I describe this movie without screwing it up for the viewer? This movie is a great big Christmas present for everyone who likes movies. The great (or pretty darn good) German film director gathers around himself a fine group of Hollywood professionals to, once and for all, kill off-or else prove-the never-ending fable known as The Loch Ness Monster. Mr. Herzog is clinical and reserved in his pursuit of his desire. Mr. Zak Penn, a dedicated producer, is equally devoted: his shaven bald head almost cries out a Zen-Buddhist devotion, or I am totally wrong . That tragedy befalls this group, who somehow survive, is an ultimate tribute to their dogged pursuit of the Truth. The sonar operator, Kitana Baker, is stripped bare. She is speechless. Yet, she soldiers on, as any woman would. This movie eases you into "the Hollywood elite", which in itself is very cool. A very subdued and posh dinner party at Werner Herzog's house, on Wonderland Street in Los Angeles, belies the difficult trials in Scotland's cold, icy, and forbidding Loch Ness. It is a stark contrast between Herzog's cozy Hollywood fastnesses, and the bitter darkness of the ultimate truth of Nessie the Prehistoric beast. This movie is terrifying. Yes, I said terrifying.Ultimately, it somehow resolves into a rescue from the monster which haunts this movie. Ultimately, we ask is Nessie real? And-are those breasts real?
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