Review of Sliding Doors

Sliding Doors (1998)
excellent movie
20 February 2006
This genuinely lovely film was such a pleasure to watch.The charters were well written and so different from each other which blended well in the film,and the chemistry between the main actors John and Gwyneth was evident which helps a great deal when playing out a love story.The acting was very well done and Gwyneth's accent superb-let's face it so many actors have tried and gotten it terribly wrong.I thought John Hannah Was brilliant in this movie and any warm blooded woman like myself fell in love with him immediately,and subsequently yelled "kiss him Helen" at the screen-or was that just me?And as for Russell-he has without a doubt the funniest laugh in a movie ever-a pee my self laughing at all of his scenes.The only qualms I had with this movie was that i found the Helen misses the train parts of the film quite dull-I would've happily watched a film with just the progressive and eventual relationship with James and Helen.

John Hannah definitely stole the show though and I'm sure amassed a league of female fans.If you do fancy the pants off him as i do then you must see him in the film 'circus'.phwoaah he is soooo sexy in it and its a great film with loads of twists to its plot.
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