April Snow (2005)
What do You Want to Do?
8 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
One day while preparing the lights for a concert, In-su receives a phone call that informs him that his wife has been in a car accident and that she is in a coma. Things go from bad to worse when he learns that not only was his wife drunk but she was also in the company of another man. In-su's suspicions that his wife was having an affair become even stronger when he calls her workplace, he thought she was away on business, and learns that his wife was on vacation when the accident occurred.

During this trying time, In-su meets Seo-young, the young wife of his wife's lover. The two are quite repulsed by each other at first, but they have to stay within each other's proximity for the time being because their spouses are at the same hospital. Seo-young's husband is also in a coma. After recovering their respective spouse's belongings from the police station, both In-su and Seo-young learn about their spouses adulterous affair through electric devices: In-su through his wife's cell phone and Seo-young through her husband's cell phone and a camera. The couple's text messages proved their infidelity with such lines as "I'm worn out from last night." With their lives torn to shreds, In-su and Seo-young reside in the same hotel and care for their comatose spouses. They begin to see each other more often outside of the hospital and of course they become affectionate for each other. However, can a romance like this truly last when the danger of a spouse coming to looms? The story told in April Snow is nothing new. It is one that has been told time and time again in films and novels. However, April Snow adds new blood to this prosaic theme. Filmed in muted colors the film has an air of melancholy that never lifts throughout the entire film. Aided by the beautiful soundtrack one feels like a quiet observer of the sadness In-su and Seo-young experience when they learn of the affair and one can feel the light of hope they experience when they find joy in each other's arms. Add in a few love scenes that are erotic without showing the naughty bits April Snow, while not a wonderful film by any means, is a decent film that can tug at the heart strings and make one wonder how well one truly knows their significant other.
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