Equilibrium (2002)
what a disappointment
6 January 2006
Equilibrium This is a movie that lacks any and all sense of creativity. All it does is swipe from much better movies that use the Dichotomy theme, but in return, robs the audience by adding nothing new to the genre. Instead we get a movie that tries to take itself so serious it doesn't realize what a joke it is.

The basic plot of the movie is that society figured out emotions is what causes crime & war, so they create a drug that squashes emotions, therefore eliminating war. Of course they have to deal with those that are against it and refuse to take the suppressant drug are eliminated by "Clerics", basically, really chic cops in leather trench coats that use Gun-Kata.

This leads into the most annoying flaw of this movie for me, the 'lack of emotion' crock, for a society that lacks emotion; there sure is a lot of it. You see it in the architecture, clothes, sculptures and in the screaming & greedy people. It's not just the leaders who show emotion, which would be a fine example of hypocrisy, no; it's the folks working the menial jobs that get to run around and wet their pants in fear.

The movie also tries to cash in on popular Hollywood-Fu by creating it's own martial arts called Gun-Kata, the name itself already brings back horrible memories of Gymkata and the Gun gimmick isn't any better then the Gymnast on a concrete horse fighting 'crazies'. No, the concept behind Gun-Kata is that a well trained student of the art can jump into a room of armed assassins and not get hit by hundreds of rounds flying all around them, especially when they are dead center in the room. Then on the offense side, the Gun-Kata expert will be able to figure out exactly where his enemies are at and nail them dead with stunning accuracy with out even looking in their direction or needing them to be in his line of site.

Honestly, I rented this movie because it kept getting referenced by people as being one of the best over looked movies ever, sometimes I check back at those posting to see if I misread them saying "swiped from some of the best movies ever".
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