A wonderful movie for your eyes and your heart
29 December 2005
End of the Spear is a beautifully crafted movie about one of the great missionary stories of the 20th century, but it is not a preachy kind of movie. The story is simply told and allowed to stand on its own. The story is one of those that would not be believable on the big screen if it were not true in all of its essential points. The beautiful jungle scenery (the movie was shot in Panama) is well worth the price of the ticket. But the story will make you think about how self-giving love is more powerful than violence. The story also shows that extraordinary risks taken for peace can pay dividends beyond imagination. This will be a movie that people will be talking about, and watching again and again, far into the future. You'll be sorry if you don't take the opportunity to see it on the big screen. You'll also wonder why an independent film company can make such a wonderful movie when Hollywood is making bad movies based on old TV shows.
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