Gorgeous battle babes and bright primary colors - what's not to love?
29 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I loved the first Twins Effect movie. Great girls, fun action, great vampires. A totally feel-good romp with lots and lots of eye-candy. In my opinion, Twins Effect II is not much worse! It's not quite as good as the first, but there's plenty to look at. Beautiful girls, rich colors and costumes, beautiful scenery, a fantasy world of amazons and magic-wielders, and a vaguely Arthurian plot about a young man fated to find the sword Excalibur and liberate the people from the terrible tyranny of a man-hating matriarch! It's great!

OK, they didn't do a lot with the story; it's really only there as a token plot device to build some cool action and an entertaining setting around. The story isn't king. But at least it's coherent and extant, which is more than one can say for a lot of other silly Asian action comedies! The two big scenes that make this a very cool movie is the long opening fight scene between the two twins (called 13th Young Master and Blue Bird), which is *exactly* the kind of thing I look for in martial arts movies, and then the great (but completely irrelevant to the story) fight scene between super-fighters Donnie Yen and Jackie Chan. I don't know why some people didn't like this fight; I thought it was very, very good. Even if it didn't need to be there at all, as far as the story was concerned. In fact, Donnie Yen's character, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (yes, that was his name!), didn't have any kind of necessary-to-the-plot role at all. But it was fun seeing him; he is always ice cool!

The overall look of this movie reminded me of parts of The Legend of Zu, simply because of all the rich colors. That stuff looks great if you ask me.

Gillian Chung is still the best-looking thing in the movie, in her gorgeous blue outfit! Where the hell can I buy the posters to go with this movie??

My rating: 8 out of 10.
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