An irresistible force meeting an immovable object
23 December 2005
This was a cousins description of Alan Berliner and his father at family gatherings. This description really fits the film as well. Alan is inspiring, exciting and curious in the way he interviews his father, but the old guy is like a brick wall: 'who cares', 'leave it, it's a long time ago', 'what's the point', and so on. This attitude could seem cynical, as one in this forum puts it, but aside of being very entertaining, it's clear that Alan and his sister love their father very much. Maybe he's more informative off the camera, but I doubt it, hence the cousins description. Anyway, I find the mere historical facts of the family interesting, and the interviews of the father very moving, so it's a perfect 10/10. I don't know much about the technical side of making a film, but I really enjoyed this. If anyone comes across it in the trade, please post a note on this forum.
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