Review of Man on Fire

Man on Fire (2004)
Buy Man on Fire on DVD, or Denzel will break your legs.
22 December 2005
Every once in a while(about once in a decade) a movie comes along that makes what seem like just another film with car explosions and people getting shot full of holes, like an stinky cheese, turn into an true action epic. I will confess something. Man on Fire made me cry like a little schoolgirl. It's an epic and emotional film, that can't do anything besides growing on you. Denzel plays the tough macho bodyguard alcoholic with a harsh past full of regret and death. His client, Samuel, played by Mark Anthony(a surprisingly very good performance, even though I dislike his music) wants him to protect their daughter, Pita(Dakota Fanning) in the harsh Mexico. While their relationship starts off stiff, Denzel can't do nothing but eventually dry up, to the cute and life-happy Pita.

But as in any good action movie, the bad guys just can't keep their fingers of the cookie jar. The premise or plot Tony Scotts latest, is nothing new or even surprising, but it's incredible powerful execution makes up for it. Harry Greg-Williams amazing score, helps keeping the movie very intense and deep.

This is without a doubt, the best Tony Scott movie ever. With this, he is getting very close to Ridley Scott, who has long mastered the concept of epic films. This is a movie you definitely should be seeing. It has everything you could want. Amazing music, great acting, competent directing and stunning action.

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