Entertaining, mesmerizing and lingering - in a fabulous way
17 December 2005
The brand-new "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" is nothing like the 1971 version starring Gene Wilder. If you're a fan of the 1971 version, you will either be awe inspired and hate Johnny Depp for doing better than Gene Wilder, or you will be horrified by the fact that you could like the 1971 version when the new one is so much better. (I don't mean to be judgmental, but this is most likely how you will feel about it) The first sign that this would be a good movie came simply from the name: "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". Ahhhhhhh. What a relief to those of us who love the book and love it's name. The version from 1971 is known as "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" - this should give you a few hints as to what it's like.

Now that I am done complaining about the first version of Roald Dahl's classic film, I can go on to praise the new one. First off, major props to Tim Burton for creating such a mesmerizing and lingering yet entertaining film. This movie has so many layers and therefore, such a broad audience. If you want something light and carefree, go ahead and see "Charlie". You can just scrape the surface and enjoy the comedic side of the film. But if you want something a bit deeper (but not overly dark), see it as well and dive on in to the mind of Willy Wonka - candy maker extraordinaire. The frequent flashbacks to Wonka's painful childhood are not featured in Roald Dahl's story, but they are very good all the same. Without them, this movie would be a mere shadow of what it is context wise.

Enter the astounding character created by Johnny Depp. Can you say Oscar nomination? He is both wonderfully funny and painfully sad, all in a moment's glimpse. You find yourself loving him and then hating him for being so utterly blind as to what is right inside of him. Nice job to Freddie Highmore, too. Of course, Johnny carries the movie but Freddie doesn't do so bad himself.

No matter who you are or what you want from a movie, "Charlie and the Chocolate" factory is the movie for you. You will leave the theater knowing you saw something amazing. It is mesmerizing and beautiful and will linger with you for days to come. This is guaranteed to become a classic in its own right.
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