Hotel Rwanda (2004)
Not a movie for everyone, but everyone should see it
17 December 2005
I did not go to see "Hotel Rwanda" of my own free will, but I am glad I did go, and you will be too. "Hotel Rwanda" tells the true story of Paul Rusesabagina, a Hutu man living in Rwanda. Paul is married to a Tutsi woman named Tatiana and they have two children. When the president of Rwanda's plane is shot down, Hutu extremists go on a rampage and kill around a million Tutsi's. "Hotel Rwanda" shows the carnage that occurred. It also shows one man's courage to stand up for what was right and to protect innocent people's lives - even by risking his own. In opening up his hotel, Paul Rusesabagina saved almost a thousand innocent Tutsi.

Anyone with a heart will feel some extremely strong emotion when they see this movie. It is not the film for everyone. But everyone should see it. It doesn't matter if you want to see it or not, you should. Don Cheadle (who was nominated for Best Actor at the 77th Academy Awards) is perfect as Paul. He portrays the emotions that the real Paul felt and he fits the role like a glove. Sophie Okonedo (who was nominated for Best Supporting Actress at the 77th Academy Awards) plays Paul's wife, Tatiana and does beautifully.

"Hotel Rwanda" makes a point of showing the carnage that occurred in the 1991 genocide in Rwanda, where the weapons of choice were machetes. But this movie isn't just about teaching people about what happened over a decade ago. It shows that genocide can happen at anytime and any place. Genocides are not limited to the Holocaust of WWII. There is even one happening right now in Dafar, Sudan. In "Hotel Rwanda", one character makes the point the we see these things on television, say how awful it is, and then go right on eating our dinner.

This is a movie everyone should see. It will be painful, but it will be good for you. It will make you think. No one should go without seeing it. It really is an important lesson for everyone in the world. And I can almost guarantee you will have tears streaming down your face. You won't regret seeing this movie.
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