King Kong (2005)
A half a step above the 70's version
14 December 2005
Peter Jackson never fails to amaze folks with his amazing visual displays and effects. Unfortunately I think he went overboard just a little bit. There is one scene, which I won't mention that looked like it was out of the 70's movie. The people and cgi were too close to each other to look right. In order to avoid that problem with Kong many of the motion shots with Kong holding the girl are far shots. The score was similar to the old 1933 movie. Which was nice. Also the background used for the opening and ending credits was straight out of the 33 movie. Nice ode to the old movie Jackson. Yes this movie had more love scenes with passion between Kong and the girl, however at times it seemed as though it was the awkward pause people have when they see someone they have seen before but can not place. It resembled the ending scenes in AVP when the audience was waiting for the kiss between predator and the female lead. The color set up of the movie was similar to LOTR. Grey and Green, sometimes it was very annoying. He also somehow managed to bring some aspects and looks in from LOTR and incorporate them into the movie. I do not know why or how. Those scenes could have been cut out. This movie could have been cut to be around 2 hours. All in all though it was a great movie. Worth seeing on a week night, but not worth running to the midnight show to see.
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