Pink Lady (1980)
This is on DVD? This is a joke right? No? Oh,no!
4 December 2005
I honestly cannot believe this show actually made it to DVD! Aaaaaagh! What next??? "Hello,Larry?" "Supertrain"? I saw this when I was 11 and even though they say kids will laugh at anything,that's not necessarily true.

I watched Pink & Jeff go through their cue card read shtick but I sat there as blank faced & confused as Bart & Lisa Simpson when they don'tunderstand their parents. Un-funny! Those girls could not sing at all but yet,managed to squeak into the bottom American top 40 with,"Kiss In The Dark".

The worst thing ever perpetrated on this show...They said Cheap trick was the musical guest one night,so I tune in and guess what? It's nothing more than the video for "Dream Police"!!! What a rip-off! Cool that I saw the video but that's just false advertising. No stars for this joke! A bad one at that! 5 weeks was 4 too many!
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