A cross between Pippi Långstrump and Dennis the Menace
23 November 2005
Marmalade Atkins, the worst-behaved girl in the world, first appeared in Andrew Davies' book "Marmalade and Rufus", but it was Charlotte Coleman (with dyed streaks in her hair and constantly chewing bubblegum) who brought her to life in an episode of Thames Television's Theatre Box series. Following that, two successful television series were screened on Children's ITV, of which 'Danger: Marmalade at work' was the second. Having been expelled from every single boarding her school her businessman father's money could buy in 'Educating Marmalade', Mr. and Mrs. Atkins decide to hire social worker Wendy Wooley (a pre T-Bag Elizabeth Estensen) to find Marmalade a job

As usual with sequels, this series was less original and satirical than 'Educating Marmalade', and relied even more on slapstick and spoofs of other TV programs like Grange Hill and Fame (two very popular topics to parody at the time on ITV). Marmalade was recruited into the army in one episode, only to find Windsor Davies playing a Sergeant Major (how original). She also joined the police force (dispite having a criminal record), the secret service (foiling a Nazi plot to destroy the Mona Lisa as "007 and a half") and became a stewardess (resulting in a disaster movie scenario). While the first series had some kind of kid-friendly punk rock theme tune, this one opened with a silly circus style instrumental that turned into a pop song sang by Charlotte Coleman during the end credits.

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