CSI: Miami (2004 Video Game)
One Crime A Week
15 November 2005
CSI, CSI-New York have two teams and solve two crimes per episode. Then there's Miami... David Caruso and company take so long to deliver cliché's that they can only manage to solve one crime per week. Cally, Wolf and Eric are cool...Alex is too empathetic to each one of her stiffs to process no more than one per show. And to have Horatio have to tell her to get the fingernail scrapings to DNA testing is utterly ridiculous.. duh....thank you Horatio we thought she just might not do that. Uh...nothing worse than an ugly red head unless he's an ugly redhead named David Caruso who uh...thinks he's uh...sexy...and ...uh...cool. First time I saw him was in RAMBO. Never imagined him to be able to carry out leading man status. Now when CBS combines Miami and New York and mention HERO's. UH! I tried to count his lines last night when I got so tired of watching him tilt is head stare at the stiff or suspect and make his usual uh PROFOUND observation that I gave up. SLOW SLOW and did I mention SLOW. I was so hoping Horatio would get nailed and sorry folks...die. Happy to see Wolf walked out of the hospital. Now that is heroic. As for the supporting cast....stop with the back story of Eric having a pot problem. Girl problem yes...pot no...if he smokes it Cally would smell it on him immediately. That won't work....Get Cally a love interest. female or male I don't care. She just needs someone at home to be nurturing to. Get her two cats. Show us some humanity. One Crime a Week. Speed up the dialog ( I tried to spell it dialogue but this site told me I spelled it incorrectly..my sincere apologies) ....cram in another murder hire another actor to flesh out the teams and make this a decent show...or..cancel it and put the money towards the other CSI shows getting Hummers to ride around in. David Caruso is the most uh...uh...uh...unappealing character on TV. Jason Lee's EARL has more appeal. ...Two crimes a week...that what those of us with ADD need. Not just one thing to focus on. Did I ever actually mention that my wife and I hate...hate David Caruso? Well we do. He's no HERO!
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