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13 November 2005
I haven't seen this movie is years. I actually have it on DVD and never watched it. But Fox played a few war movies on Veterens Day and I watched it again. First I love war movies. Not the soapy Pearl Harbor type movies, but a real nuts and bolts war movie. On seeing this movie for a second time a I noticed a lot of things I didn't see the first time. Little thing like the submarine trying to sneak into Pearl Harbor and how our ship saw it and blew it up. I never knew that happened. And the aftermath in which a call is made to the base commander and all he can say is ask for confirmation because these things happen all of the time. I wanted to smack him. It is incredible how a lot of middle men actually prevented word about the attack getting to the right person. Such as the guys who pick up a plane formation heading for Pearl Harbor and the men who received the message just brushing it off, and not conveying it to the correct person. Or how the Wesley Addy character had to run around DC trying to talk to anyone who would listen to no avail. Or the man who has direct access t the Commanders after getting concrete evidence and decides not to call the commander at Pearl Harbor but wants to run it by the President first. It is amazing how middlings actually held the fate of PearL Harbor in their hands and blew it. I also admire way they show the Japanese perspective. I love movies like that because it shows that the other side are soldiers like we are and are committed to their cause too, right or wrong. It humanizes them as it should. All Quiet in The Western Front was one of my favorite novels and movies because it was told through the eyes of a very young German recruit. I see how they are all psyched into going to war as they do here to young men and when they fight they see this is not what they signed up for. There was no side stories, thank you, because they ruin all war movies. This is a very good war movie. And it gave us a inside view of the steps leading to the Attack. I would recommend this to anyone who wants to see good movie about Pearl Harbor without an foolish love story or side stories.
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