Movies need a budget for a reason (Possible Spoilers)
1 November 2005
Not the worst movie I have ever seen, but still in the same general vicinity. The King's Guard is a fumbling attempt to merge adventure and comedy. The humour often came off as really badly overacted nonsense and the action scenes were overlong and poorly choreographed. There was no grandeur in what should have been a grand adventure. It seemed as if all of the sweeping shots of wonderful vistas had been left out because they couldn't afford the extras to fill the spaces. The costuming looked hastily thrown together and this was explained by introducing the idea that the king's guardsmen were all acting undercover. It would have made as much sense if there was a scene where the king gathered his men together and said, 'Tomorrow is mufti day boys, so you can wear whatever you like.' The lack of extras/money was again shown when not very far into the movie, the narrator comes on to explain that the situation had become dire, due to an attack of overwhelming numbers of bandits and that during the fight, the allies of the king's guard had run off. The next scene shows some of the men of the king's guard pulling one of the carts that had formed part of the caravan that had been attacked…they couldn't even afford horses! The four or five thousand dollars that went into making the movie could have been used to do some good in the world, instead of stealing 92 minutes of my life.
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