The Graduate (1967)
Dated, weak.
30 October 2005
Very funny movie that, underneath the humor, has nothing important to say. Stuff like this and "Harold and Maude" was probably very meaningful to depressed upper class hippies, but today it's just plain irritating. The parts about uncertain futures and love conquering all are still relevant; nothing else is. I suppose, for example, Dustin Hoffman's act of pursuing Elaine out of spite after ONE lousy date was defiant and cool in the 60's, but today it just seems... strange, to put it mildly. And while Hoffman is great at looking nervous and confused, his character has no real personality. I don't hate this movie: the first forty minutes are a blast, and the ending is a delight. But the majority of it is just empty and irrelevant today. Maybe it's important for defining the period, but if I'm going to watch a movie, I'd like to get something out of it.
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