Not another ROTN (revenge of the nerds), an original American Tour-de-force of a thinking man's romp
20 October 2005
Director Richard Gabai proves the life isn't just about getting laid its about getting deep too in this beautifully written, expertly acted comedy that best represents the excitement and offbeat beliefs of real-life underdog fraternities inspired by Revenge of the Nerds. This isn't the standard plot driven narrative expected from director/screen writer Richard Gabai, instead it is fearlessly piloted by Sid Witherspoon, the leader of an unpopular fraternity. Troy Donahue's impressive flawless performance creates a likable but emotionally reserved Witherspoon, expanding the character's complexity further than the rare novel published exclusively in France by Gabai. Saddly I wasn't distracted enough from the engaging and hilarious dialog to notice and appreciate the detailed scenery and beautiful colour until the fourth time I watched it. Weather a die hard fan of frat-comedy or post-Shakespearian playwright enthusiast this is the movie....no! Film for you.
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