Review of I Spy

I Spy (2002)
SPOILER ALERT!!! Hold onto your hats, plug your ears, and prepare to sing, "I can't hear you. La, la, la, la ,la, la!.
18 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Eddie Murphy making a turkey is understandable. I've seen him do it a number of times to know that he isn't Box Office Gold--at least not like he was back in the late '80s and early '90s, but come on, man! What were you thinking messing up one of the COZ's classic shows? Now I know from "RAW" that you could give a rat's pa-toot what Bill Cosby says or thinks about what you do, but dude! How could you defile his disrespect his legacy by starring in a feature-length remake of this piece of trash, and with Owen Wilson of all people? Owen Wilson? That makes that stoner Dell Dude look like Johnny Depp.

And what was with the over-played double-crosses? Could we have at least one spy movie without a seductive harridan faking her death only to emerge from the shadows and gratuitously tie up her ex-partner and kick himin the groin? How about letting the bad guy get away once in awhile?

The plot was hard enough to believe as it was. I mean, come on, like the chick who played Jean Grey would have anything to do with Owen Wilson--even on a femme fatale level. Give me a break.

Speaking of Famke, Famke, Famke, what the hell were you thinking? This is the cheesiest project you could have ever undertaken. You in "Taxi," another certified gobble-fest by the way, I can see, but this? Ugh! I hope you took 50 showers, and brushed your teeth 75 times after shooting wrapped.
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