The Fog (2005)
worst remake of 2005
15 October 2005
This has got to be the crappiest remake of 2005. I really can't believe I paid full price for this movie.

Apparently, in the remake they thought that the audience wouldn't understand how a boat load of lepers got screwed over by the founding fathers and had all their valuables taken, so instead they intertwine this complete crap ass back story because the modern day audience is considered to stupid to figure it out from the explanations of a drunken priest and a recently discovered journal. Then to entice pubescent boys & girls they decide to throw in a completely useless shower scene, nothing was shown except for Tom's nipple, which being a straight male is not really my thing. The biggest kick to the head was the lame ass idea to change the purpose of that attack from greed to 'lost love'. Let me point out something about how stupid this part is, just in case you're not getting it, they both died at the same time! Why/How the hell would Elizabeth be separated? The movie just f/ckin blew, worst of the year that I've seen, things just didn't make sense, and characters were next to useless, why did they show the fisherman get leprosy, while no one else was infected? Why the hell did the fisherman show up at the car wreck? He was just plain stupid! Then you have the lamest token black character EVER in a movie! Did they not get the hint while watching South Park that the "Token Black" character is played out? It was almost like the Producer one day said "you know what this movie needs, a funny black guy, kids love that these days!". The Priest was another useless character, in the original he was the one that explained everything, he was more of a functional drunk, in this one, and he was just sitting around waiting to be killed… LAME.

On a final note: what the hell was the purpose of the burning vehicles? They weren't in accidents, they just where curbed parked and on fire… STUPID! Be warned, I never try to tell a person NOT to see a movie, but I will say "DON"T PAY FOR A MOVIE TICKET ON THIS ONE!"
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