an easily enjoyable film
11 October 2005
Fran Walker the lead character of this film faces the choice many people face-- I've invested time and hope in a relationship, is it the right one for me? Fran struggles with making the best choice for a happy and rewarding life. She's a bit of a ditz but likable. Elizabeth Taylor brings out the anxiety that Fran feels about her life yet shows us the willingness Fran has to take a chance to make a change.

Warren Beatty as Joe Grady did a credible job of helping us like an immature man who was learning to grow-up.

The filming of this picture in France was one of its drawbacks. The film's ambiance would have been better filmed on location in Las Vegas.

All in all The Only Game in Town is worth a watch on a Sunday afternoon or a late night bowl of popcorn.
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