"What fun would it be to kill you when you have no desire to live." Dull Nazi exploitation film.
29 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
L' Ultima Orgia del III Reich, or under it's more common Gestapo's Last Orgy & the ridiculous Caligula Reincarnated as Hitler (there's nothing about reincarnation & Hitler never makes an appearance, talk about false advertising!) English titles, starts with ex Nazi prisoner Lise Cohen (Daniela Poggi as Daniela Levy) several years after she was freed meeting up with sadistic camp commander Cammandant Conrad von Staker (Marc Loud) at the abandoned ruins of the prisoner of war camp where they first met many years ago. This was no ordinary prison camp however, this was a prison camp for Jewish women who were there to be used & abused by various German officers & soldiers during the war, some of the women were killed while others were systematically raped & humiliated by the Nazi's & some were even thrown to the Doberman's by evil female Nazi Alma (Maristella Greco) to be torn apart. Lise was one such Jewish prisoner but her attitude was different somehow, she was not scared to die or by anything that Staker & his guards could throw at her. This made Staker unhappy & he decides to make it his personal mission to break Lise for reasons too petty to go into here. Although Staker dumps her best friend in quicklime & threatens her with killer hamsters eventually they begin to fall in love, but surely an affair between a Nazi officer & Jewish prisoner during World War II will never work out...

This Italian produced film was co-written, produced & directed by Cesare Canevari & found some undeserved notoriety by being banned in the UK & placed on the 'Video Nasties' list. Despite it's reputation & subject matter L' Ultima Orgia del III Reich isn't anything to get too excited about, maybe the contents of this film were considered shocking & offencive back in the 80's but today with graphic sex & violence common place on our cinema & TV screens this film might turn out to be a bit of a disappointment for exploitation fans. The script by Canevari & Antonio Lucarella is a little slow, somewhat dull, monotonous (it never leaves the confines of the camp) & uneventful while it also takes itself far too seriously, there are plenty of Nazi speech's about their superiority & that these Jewish women must suffer. I quite liked the idea of a wrap around story set in the present with the bulk of the film told through flashbacks & I also liked the ending which at least showed a little thought. The character's are sparse with Lise & Straker taking centre stage for the most part with everyone else coming & going very abruptly, the kind Doctor for instance has a subplot where he befriends Lise but is then dropped a good 20 minutes before the end never to be seen or heard again just after they have had sex together. Technically L' Ultima Orgia del III Reich is not too bad at all & is really the only thing it has going for it, the sets & production design are nice enough, the effects, music & cinematography are decent & it's better made than most other films of this type. There is far more sex & nudity than violence & gore, the version I watched appeared to have a brief hardcore masturbation shot too as well as lots of soft-core sex & rape. The gore is limited to a few blood splashes there is a silly looking shot where Lise is hung upside down & threatened with flesh-eating rats which in reality are obviously just hamsters. The acting is OK but the dubbing is, as usual, not up too much & some of the English dialogue is just plain stupid. I can't say I enjoyed L' Ultima Orgia del III Reich that much, despite it's reputation & a few sweaty sex scenes there isn't much happening here, to give it some credit it's well made & at least tries to tell a story between the average exploitation elements even if it didn't quite succeed in entertaining me that much. If your looking for a women in prison film that delivers the exploitation goods then may I suggest you track down the Ilsa films, Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS (1975), Ilsa, Harem Keeper of the Oil Sheiks (1976), Ilsa, The Wicked Warden (1977) & Ilsa, The Tigress of Siberia (1977) or the similar-ish Salo, or the 120 days of Sodom (1976) instead. For the Nazi completest only.
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