Mediocre "Nazisploitation" Attempt
26 September 2005
CALIGULA REINCARNATED AS Hitler is a decent, yet somewhat dull Nazi flick in the same realm as ILSA and all the other copy-cats. Basic story- Lise is taken to a camp where the head Nazi-guy tries to break her will with torture. Lise is a strong-willed young lady and won't be broken so easily. Eventually, Lise realizes she can turn the game on it's head by cooperating and giving the head Nazi-guy what he wants. She finally pretends to fall in love with him so that she can act out her revenge... The main difference between this film and many of the other "Nazisploitation" films is that this one appears to take itself pretty seriously. It doesn't have the "campy" feel of the ILSA flicks and every thing is played straight-faced. I think this adds to the atmosphere of the film, but to be quite honest, there isn't much to this film anyway. The torture scenes are pretty tame and there's a few lame sex scenes. There are a few decent moments. The human-flesh-dinner-scene comes to mind...but overall this film is rather dull and not very shocking. A decent attempt but all-in-all a rather forgettable film. If you are looking for a real shockfest or bloodbath - this isn't it. Obviously CALIGULA REINCARNATED won't be for all tastes due to the subject matter, but for the exploit/horror enthusiasts out there, this one will seem rather bland. A generous 6.5/10
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