Review of Rings

Rings (2005 Video)
23 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I think that the Idea behind this cult that is forming right in front of our very eyes, that cult being Samara basically and what happened to her, very interesting and since buying the collectors edition DVD's I must have watched RINGS at least ten times and I enjoyed it the tenth time just as much as the first time.

Rings makes the perfect join between THE RING and RING TWO. Lots of people complain about the unexplained bits of the story, personally I think that makes this brilliant cult film ten time better then it already is. As far as I'm concerned these films are some of if not the best pieces of film making to date, not forgetting the original RINGU of course which was also great considering the low budget.


I think Hideao Nakatta (Apologies for the spelling) has created one of the best Horror characters in Samara and her life, short as it was, would make a great film by itself. (Mabey I should have kept that Idea to myself) The classic art of symbolism which the Japanese do so well has been done to perfection with this story. The way they have shown Samara's connection with water has almost made it a character in its self. I think that these films have a lot more in them then most people care to reallies and if you really think about everything thats happened up to now has had a reason. Finally, at the centre of all this is of course the tape, which in its self is pretty creepy, but everything you saw on that tape the first time it's shown to us has now been explained in some way or another.

These films are truly amazing.
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