One of the Greateset moments in cinema !!
16 September 2005
A roller coaster of a movie!

Besides heaping all of the normal accolades on this film, I would like to point out what I feel is one of the greatest moments in cinema history. A daring move that only Cary Grant could pull off - I have no idea if it was in the script but it feels like a Grant improv.

The climactic scene at the end of the movie where Cary is tied up, about to be murdered when the police come and the climactic fight scene breaks out. This is a life and death fight - the climax of the movie ! Chaos ensues...chairs flying, bodies flying and what does our friend Mr Grant do? After freeing himself from his bonds he goes and sits on the staircase - still in harm's way of the brawl and with a classic Grant gesture of "don't bother me" he says the immortal line..."everybody off" . At that point he pulls out his cigarette case and lights up. He completely pulled himself out the movie ! Sitting there puffing away on a cigarette without care for the bedlam or threat to his life that whirled around his character in cyclonic fashion....."everybody off"...what a line !
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