The Break (1995)
a minor correction for the above
21 August 2005
I am Cuz, the author of the first comment. Haven't been on here for a while, changed computers, providers and all that. Anyway, I wanted to correct one detail I had wrong. Tennis officials do indeed call "fault" when a serve is missed. However, they also call "fault" on the second serve and not "double fault" as they do in this movie. I guess the writers didn't figure it mattered to the non-tennis- playing audience and maybe the "double fault" was added to make it more dramatic, and to make the umpire appear even more biased. The action isn't bad overall. Wimbledon may have tried hard to create realistic game scenes but they didn't really improve on The Break. Paul Bettany often looks like he's playing squash or trying to swat flies.
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