Something very Fishy is going on in Noyo
15 August 2005
**SPOILERS** With the town of Noyo suffering from an economic downturn the only hope the residents have is for a fish cannery to be built there by the Canco Corp.

There's two major problems facing the citizens of Noyo and that's that the fish haven't been biting for months and the local Native American Indians are against the Canco Cannery being built on their ancient and ancestral homeland. Their now planning to have a class-action suit filed charging Canco of violating their fishing rights that would hold up construction for at least two years.

As the fight goes on between the Native Americans led by the determined and energetic Tommy Eagle, Anthony Penya,against the local townspeople let by the hot headed and boorish Hank Slattery, Vic Morrow, another factor in this dispute comes into the mix; the mysterious Humanoids from the deep. The Humnoids make their unwanted appearance in the movie by upending fisherman Deke Jensen's, Hoke Howell, boat and killing him and everyone on board. Out of the water and on dry land Humanoids then go on a rampage in and along the Noyo docks killing every dog, belonging to the fishermen, in sight.

With Johnny Eagel's dog being the only canine left alive Slattery accuses Johnny of committing these despicable and vicious killings. Later Johnny finds his dog dead obviously killed by Slattery and his goons. It looks like a major civil war is about to break out in Noyo with Slattery and a couple of his faithful followers about to set Johnny Eagle's home on fire and possibly kill him together with locals Jim Hill and his wife Carol,Doug McClure & Cindy Weintraub. It's then when the Humanoids makes themselves heard and seen by coming out in force from the sea to do their dirty, or fishy, work. We then have this free for all with the Humanoids and Jim's brother Tommy, Breck Costin, coming to Johnny Eagel's pad and ended up killed by the Fish-men.

This is another one of those experiment gone wrong with man, or in this case lady doctor Susan Drake (Ann Turkel), attempting to defy nature and create a better and more numerous Salmon population but instead creating a hoard of deadly sea Humanoids. The Fish-men are out to increase their numbers by attacking and raping young women and having them create, by being impregnated, a new race of sea-men that before you know it would conquer the world.

Ridicules looking sea monsters who are on the make with the young ladies of Noyo but the young ladies want to make it as fast as they can away from these Humanoids.Looking like their wearing over-sized rubber suits and batches of seaweed wrapped around their bodies the Humanoids seem to go into some kind of funky dance number at the end of the movie. When they all submerge and attack hundreds of people at a local off-shore carnival.

Hilarious final with the Humanoids slogging all over the place trying their best to be scary and with the people at this shindig purposely slowing down to make it look like the plodding Humanoids are able to catch up with and kill them. With the Humanoids defeated and driven from Noyo were given the biggest surprise in the movie. The knowledge that even though driven out of town the Humanoids still left their mark on humanity for future generations to suffer through.
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