Please don't let that Woman out of Jail!
11 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This film is a rarity: A good made for TV movie that is about a woman's relationship.

Many made for TV movies at the time about women and their relationships with family are made very sappy - to pull your heartstrings..but this one was done really well considering it was based on a true story.

What is laid out before you is a totally dysfunctional marriage with two dysfunctional people who had children and lived in the higher end of a California Community. The wife worked at first, put her husband through school and then stayed home to raise the kids, take care of him and the home. When he finally got a fabulous job, a foot into his career and made a standing within the community, he did what many middle aged men of that type would do....dump her.

But this movie lets you know its not so clear cut as that. The wife, Betty, was no picnic during these years. And the husband Dan was no day at the carnival either. They were toxic to each other and didn't realize it. Not until it was too late.

Betty was already emotionally drained and devoid by the time Dan made his move. And Dan was uncaring and selfish long before the money and status came into play - and not just to Betty.

So in comes the new woman, the perfect trophy and that's when all the real problems and emotions burst. Betty cannot let go of the toxin and Dan continuously feeds it. They keep on making horrid decisions for each other until the tragic ending. This is sad indeed.

While I understand the hell Betty went through, the truth is, she killed two human beings and she needs to pay for that. A few decades in jail is not enough for its more that two people dead here. there are three; Dan, Linda and Betty.

Whom do I feel bad for out of this all? The children of course. No mom, no dad, a lot of emotional abuse they will probably never get over. this is a movie with many lessons, many signs, many morals, many directions and for a made for TV film...that is quite an undertaking.
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