Under the bus wheels
27 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Ten minutes into watching this cinematic nightmare I suddenly recalled an old joke. It's the one about the new tenants in hell checking out three different rooms of suffering—only one of which will be where they'll spend eternity. I felt very much like the poor sap that picked the 'coffee break's over' room. Listen, I'm a big fan of 'B' movies, the ones that are so bad they're good type. This dreck is so awful it stinks on icebergs.

What was with that voice? That shameless overacting? The constant nibbling? Rosie's whiter-than-white row of lower teeth flashing every two seconds made me want to beat up my TV. Like a lot of the other contributors to this site I gave it a chance to redeem itself. That moment never came. Even the schmaltzy Hallmark commercials were interesting compared to this mess.

Andie comatose…am I wrong or did she look embarrassed in a few scenes? I don't believe Angelica Houston got a moments peace on that set. I'm guessing (paraphrasing here) bossy Rosie must've showed up, with sharpened pencils and a legal pad—then having written she began to direct. Too bad Rosie forgot to bring a blue pencil to cut her part back a few decibels. It must be arduous to live a life of 'know-it-all' and not do research.

Never in my life have I ever known of or met a special needs person like this. My sister (yes, we sometimes ride the bus together) works with special needs children and frankly she found this movie insulting, and so do I. Minus 10 stars.
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