Stealth (2005)
Typical jet jockey film with nice twist
16 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Navy lieutenants Ben Gannon (Josh Lucas, "The Hulk"), Kara Wade (Jessica Biel, "Seventh Heaven" TV series) and Henry Purcell (Jamie Foxx, "Colaterral Damage," "Ray") are the best of the best, having been chosen to fly the world's most sophisticated military aircraft. Once aboard the carrier "Abraham Lincoln," they are told by their superior officer Sam Shepard ("The Right Stuff"), that the fourth member of their group will be a superintelligent, remote-control jet, created by a reclusive Bill Gates-like character, and nicknamed "Eddie." While Eddie's intrusion into the trio is an annoyance, it soon becomes deadly when it begins to learn at an incremental rate, soon becoming like the maverick Gannon and disregarding orders. Sort like a really violent HAL from Kubrick's "2001." In a cross between "Top Gun" and "WarGames," the computerized plane decides to attack a terrorist camp in Pakistan (destroying a nuclear warhead in the process) and a cold fusion facility deep inside Siberia. Such an invasion will cause World War III, so top brass orders Eddie to be destroyed. Unfortunately, Eddie is getting too smart for that, and to protect himself, goes after the three pilots. Meanwhile, other high officials have plans for Eddie, which may not include good things for the others. After being shot down over North Korea, Wade survives long enough for Gannon to attempt a rescue, all the while battling an increasingly wily Eddie along the way. Good special effects, nice stunts, non-stop action and a neat little twist keep fans in their seats for this one. And while there are better military action movies out there, this is a fairly decent time. Ten bucks worth? I don't know, but a workmanlike effort, nonetheless.
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