Space Mutiny (1988)
Nothing compares to the awfulness of this piece of trash
5 July 2005
Wow............... I've heard some bad things about this film, i.e. Dead girl who comes back to life, pasted footage, girly hero, etc., but none of that could have prepared me for the 90 minutes I was subjected too..... ON MST3K NO LESS!

Seriously, though... this movie sucks on several levels. First of all, our hero, a walking honey-glazed ham, is a wuss who races around in golf carts covered in cardboard boxes, and fires light saber-esquire beams at enemies, which causes each and every one of them to fall over a railing. Yikes, what a mouth full! There are a total of 18 people who die by falling over railings. Thats quite a few, too.

Then there's our little heroine, a 40-some years old skank, who flashes her panties at every corner, and appears to be about a year younger than her santa claus-like father. I'm sure you've also heard about the pasted in battlestar galactica footage, which was really just a pointless 30 second scene...... I don't know why everyone makes such a fuss about it.

However, the worst part about this film was, by far, the hero's habit of pointlessly screaming out, "NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" like a girl, every time something happened. I.e., "were all out of slim-fast, sir"-"NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!". Personally, my favorite seen was when, "Our brave hero roasted a disabled man". To explain, a man who was for some unexplained reason running from the villain, falls into a strange yellow crevasse, wherein he twists his leg. Our hero and his skanky pal stumble across him, turn on some gas tanks, and blow a bullet into a hole leading to him, causing him to light on fire. 1/10 is too gracious.
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