Review of Largo Winch

Largo Winch (2001–2003)
Creates a world of it's own which makes it interesting and exciting...
24 June 2005
I usually get bored with action series but somehow Largo Winch was impossible to be bored with. The show in some way creates a world of it's own and I find that new and interesting. Besides the action the show also had mystery as Largo found out more about his father's history. And I always appreciated the friendship between Largo and Simon. Too often in similar type of shows friends end up as each other's enemies but here the friendship lasted throughout everything that happened. Also as a nice bonus the characters were very good-looking, men and women, but never mindless bimbos. They all had brains and personality as well as looks. I was sad when the show ended because except for some minor faults I thought the show was brilliant!
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